First playable version of WarTaintedFalls

Hey all. We are working on a tower wars game where you can build up a team and send baddies off to other realms and even have them invade your frienimies' bases.

We are learning how to build up a robust backend for our games even though the frontend is javascript, so that is a challenge! Right now, we have global leader boards but soon that will all change.

We plan to add:

1) Towers built in the stream.

2) More badie types.

3) More tower types so that strats aren't so easy (Just build decimators.)

4) Random tower upgrades/strange synergies, so that if you get a good upgrade, you can get super towers.

5) Pathfinding for baddies so you can build a maze.

6) Send custom waves of to your frenemies.

7) Castles/Houses/Territory that teams defend in some kind of worldmap, if the baddies get through it's game over.

Please, if you get stuck or don't like something just give us a comment so we can fix it! Right now the game just goes on and on, but we are going to update it soon!

Files Play in browser
65 days ago

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